People that know me well know that Kung Fu is very important to me. It has been a large part of my life for almost 20 years and I would not be who I am today without it. But, for those on the outside, who maybe think it is just a bunch of kicking and punching, what is it about this art that makes it so unique and valuable as a tool for self development? What does this traditional practice have to offer us to help us deal with our modern world? Kung Fu is not just a martial art, it is a holistic tool for self-development. It teaches us self-control, confidence, humility, self-reflection, and provides us with a healthier body and mind.
Kung Fu is a ‘peace-time’ martial art. The chinese character for martial art, ‘wu’ (武), when broken down into its parts actually means ‘to prevent violence’. We train to have control over our responses and not allow aggression to dictate our actions. This is in stark contrast to the predominant physical culture in the west. It is very common during sports for coaches and players to say things like, “get angry”, “kick their ass”, “kill ’em”, to trigger a response in their players and teammates. I grew up playing western sports and progressed to a high level and I can remember the highs and lows this type of environment created. I learned a lot, but I never understood the need for such triggers. I performed better when I was calm and focused, but I was not given the tools to find that state. I had to figure it out on my own. In Kung Fu we learn a different way. We learn to react to aggression and stress with a calm and focused response. We train to challenge ourselves, not others. One of the most common sayings in China when you talk to martial artists is “ xi wu, hui you”. This translates to “through martial arts, friendship”. Kung Fu brings people together. Some of my closest friends have come through training kung fu. People from incredibly diverse backgrounds, but the common ground of training and loving martial arts created bonds that last. In Kung Fu demographics don’t matter. Just your willingness to train and learn. In kung fu we focus on cooperation over competition. It does not matter who is better, because we are all there for the same reason, working towards the same goal. Our first responsibility in class is to help your classmates improve. This creates an inclusive environment without fear of judgement. There might be students of different abilities, ages, but everyone is on the same path, and it is the responsibility of those ahead to help those behind. When you start training kung fu it is a path that never ends. There is always more to learn, like a musician who spends a lifetime mastering an instrument. However, in this case the instrument is your body. As it evolves and changes we learn to adapt and new lessons are presented to us. We don’t graduate from kung fu, or fail to make the team. Whether you begin classes when you are 12, 25, 40, or 70 you have a lifetime of lessons ahead of you. When I began kung fu I had no idea how much potential it had to create positive change in people’s lives. I feel very humbled to be able to share my experience with others and give them the same opportunities that have been so impactful in my life.
![]() Opening a school started off as a daydream, molded by conversations over coffee while sitting outdoors under an often hazy gray sky in Beijing, China, the place we called home from 2007 to 2015. We would throw about different names for fun, until Sonny came up with Sequoia Kung Fu & Yoga. More ideas took shape and I started to sketch out different possible logos. However, it was all still a daydream we enjoyed during our off-hours. We went about our work week, teaching English by day and practicing our respective disciplines by night. From 5:00PM to 8:00PM, five to six days a week, we dedicated that block of time to martial arts and yoga. Sonny had his teacher and a core group of students who practiced outdoors, regardless of humidity, dropping temperatures, or rain. After several years of training, under his teacher’s supervision, Sonny often took the helm and did most of the direct instruction. I had my teacher and a core group as well. We practiced in my apartment, often fitting as many as eight of us across the living room floor. Eventually my teacher left, and I took over instruction. Five to eight in the evening became a priority and the part of our day we looked forward to most. After eight years abroad, we decided to move back to the States. The daydream of Sequoia Kung Fu & Yoga floated to the forefront, becoming a question: Should we open our own school? The answer seemed clear, yet fuzzy, easy, but difficult, exciting AND scary all at the same time. In the end, fear was not a good enough reason not to try. The biggest step to an unequivocal “yes” was truly believing in ourselves and that we have something special to offer. Our excitement and passion to teach and impact lives drove our steps forward. Born out of the love and need for practice, a simple daydream materialized into the space we have created today. We continue to open our doors to Sequoia Kung Fu & Yoga, welcoming and meeting faces in our community. As an extension of our own learning process, there is a genuine love and desire to teach. We want to cultivate an environment that encourages practice. Building a community of people who all want to feel good, be healthy, and discover something that broadens the mind and impacts our experience, Sequoia Kung Fu & Yoga is a place for all who want to learn and practice. |
Sequoia Kung Fu & YogaCo-Owners & Head Instructors Sonny Mannon and Maya Rodriguez Archives
July 2018